Python asyncio: reader callback and coroutine communication

I think asyncio.Queue is much better suited for this kind of producer/consumer relationship:

import asyncio
import sys

queue = asyncio.Queue()

def handle_stdin():
    data = sys.stdin.readline()
    # Queue.put is a coroutine, so you can't call it directly.
    # Alternatively, Queue.put_nowait() is not a coroutine, so it can be called directly.
    # queue.put_nowait(data)

async def tick():
    while 1:
        data = await queue.get()
        print('Data received: {}'.format(data))

def main(): 
    loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
    loop.add_reader(sys.stdin, handle_stdin)

if __name__ == '__main__':

There's less logic involved than with an Event, which you need to make sure you set/unset properly, and there's no need for a sleep, wakeup, check, go back to sleep, loop, like with the global variable. So the the Queue approach is simpler, smaller, and blocks the event loop less than your other possible solutions. The other solutions are technically correct, in that they will function properly (as long as you don't introduce any yield from calls inside if if event.is_set() and if data is not None: blocks). They're just a bit clunky.

If you want to wait for an event, you should probably be using Event.wait instead of polling is_set.

def tick():
    while True:
        yield from event.wait()
        print('Data received: {}'.format(