Python audiolab install, unable to install (or find) libsndfile on Mac OSX

libsndfile_python sounds like a binding to libsndfile rather than libsndfile itself. You probably do not have libsndfile installed. It should, however, be quite easy to install if you already have the developer tools installed:

  1. First, download the latest source.
  2. Unpack it somewhere.
  3. Open Terminal and cd to the directory you unpacked.
  4. Configure it: ./configure
  5. Build it: make -j8
  6. Install it (requires administrative rights): sudo make -j8 install

You can then delete the directory you unpacked, but you may want to keep it for easy uninstallation.

To install libdsnd in a mac (Tested in a Yosemite 10.10.3):

1- Install Homebrew (paste this on a terminal):

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

2- Install libsnd:

    brew install libsndfile

3- Link libsnd:

    brew link --overwrite libsndfile

4- Install scikits.audiolab:

    sudo easy_install scikits.audiolab

There you go!