best online ide python code example

Example 1: python ide online


Example 2: online pythone ide

print("hello world")
#A python program to illustrate Caesar Cipher Technique 
def encrypt(text,s): 
	result = "" 

	# traverse text 
	for i in range(len(text)): 
		char = text[i] 

		# Encrypt uppercase characters 
		if (char.isupper()): 
			result += chr((ord(char) + s-65) % 26 + 65) 

		# Encrypt lowercase characters 
			result += chr((ord(char) + s - 97) % 26 + 97) 

	return result 

#check the above function 
text=input("Enter a message: ")

s = 2
print ("Text : " + text )
print ("Shift : " + str(s) )
print ("Cipher: " + encrypt(text,s) )

Example 3: best python ide

IDE does not matter that much choose whichever you like...
What matters is logic, critical thinking.
But: 1>try pycharm(You will love it)
     2>try IDLE(for extreme beginners)
    Don't put semi colon :))
    LET'S CODE :)

Example 4: best code editors for micropython

I prefer to use atom code editor.

It supports a whole lot of languages including python, c, c++, c sharp
												java, javascript, coffescript 
                                                and it goes on.(It supports more
                                                than 50 languages)
and unlike jetbrains pycharm or anything else, Its totally free.
you can download custom packages for any languages or for specific thing like 
game development.

it is open source and you can customise it's built in themes and add
code snippets on your own(,editor%20without%20any%20further%20hassle.)
in the editor itself. no need to change the source code(you can do that if u want)

The Atom IDE is made by github and it supports version control from git
and you can clone projects and edit them in the Atom IDE itself.

As far as i know, the best code editor ever.