binary search array library python code example

Example 1: binary search in python

def binary_search(item_list,item):
	first = 0
	last = len(item_list)-1
	found = False
	while( first<=last and not found):
		mid = (first + last)//2
		if item_list[mid] == item :
			found = True
			if item < item_list[mid]:
				last = mid - 1
				first = mid + 1	
	return found

Example 2: binary search python

def binary_search(records:list, search_target, key=None, index=None):
    """Returns {'index':search_target_index, 'records':sorted_records_list} of
    the search query else False.
    Uses binary search algorithm.
    Searches [foo,grok,spam,...], {x,y,z,...}, [{},{},{},...], or [(),(),(),...]

    [foo,grok,spam,...] uses key=None, index=None.
    {x,y,z,...} uses key=None, index=None.
    [{},{},{},...] uses the "key" parameter else key=None.
    [(),(),(),...] uses the "index" parameter else index=None.

    r=binary_search(records=my_recs, search_target=4377017701570, key="orderId")
    l=binary_search(records=my_list, search_target='foo')
    bs_set = {10,2,5,8,9,3,6,7,4,1}
    result=binary_search(records=bs_set, search_target=5, key=None, index=None)
    result={'index': 4, 'records': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}.
    **Note: rt['index'] represents first match. bc sorted, next index also matches, if any.
      i.e. search_target == rt['records'][rt['index']+1][index]

    Important Note:
    Because the "records" parameter is a mutable of type list, the code in the
    function will mutate and operate on the original argument object in memory
    and not a copy of it. If you do not want the original object altered, pass
    a copy and not the original object. The index returned corresponds to the
    mutated/sorted object.
    For example:
    bs_list = [10,2,5,8,9,3,6,7,4,1]
    bs_list_copy = bs_list.copy()
    l = binary_search(records=bs_list_copy, search_target=5)
    5 == l['records'][l['index']]
    5 == bs_list_copy[l['index']]
    bs_list== [10,2,5,8,9,3,6,7,4,1]
    bs_list_copy == [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

    Design choice:
    Used "doesn't alter list" to eliminate mutation issue. Thus, "Important Note"
    doesn't apply for this implementation.

    Use "alters list" if you don't mind making a copy of the original list or if
    you don't mind altering the original list; "Important Note" applies here.
    lower_bound = 0
    upper_bound = len(records)-1
    """List MUST be sorted in ascending order, due to the
       conditional inequalities & the arithmitic."""
    # sort_records = f'records.sort(key=lambda record: record["{key}"],reverse=False)' # alters list
    sort_records = f'sorted(records,key=lambda record: record["{key}"],reverse=False)' # doesn't alter list
    reference_target = f'records[mid_index]["{key}"]'
    if (key==None and index==None):
        # [1,2,3,...] or {x,y,z,...}
        sort_records = sort_records.replace(f'key=lambda record: record["{key}"],','')
        reference_target = reference_target.replace(f'["{key}"]','')
    elif (key!=None and index==None):
        # [{},{},{},...]
        # base case
    elif (key==None and index!=None):
        # [(),(),(),...]
        sort_records = sort_records.replace(f'["{key}"],',f'[{index}],')
        reference_target = reference_target.replace(f'["{key}"]',f'[{index}]')
    elif (key!=None and index!=None):
      raise Exception("Both 'key' & 'index' should not have a value simutaneously (other than None).")

    # eval(sort_records) # alters list
    records = eval(sort_records) # doesn't alter list
    while lower_bound <= upper_bound:
        mid_index = (lower_bound+upper_bound) // 2
        if search_target == eval(reference_target):
            """Return records to remove sorting ambiguity;
               it has been sorted in ascending order."""
            # return True
            return {'index':mid_index, 'records':records}
        elif search_target < eval(reference_target):
            upper_bound = mid_index - 1
            lower_bound = mid_index + 1
    return False