python bmi calculator code code example
Example 1: how to make bmi calculator in python
weight = float(input('What is your weight? (Kg) '))
height = float(input('What is your height? (Mtr) '))
bmi = weight/(height*height)
if bmi <= 18.5:
print('Your BMI is', bmi, 'which means you are underweight')
elif 18.5 < bmi < 25:
print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are normal')
elif 25 < bmi < 30:
print('your BMI is', bmi,' which means you are overweight')
elif bmi > 30:
print('Your BMI is', bmi,'which means you are obese')
Example 2: python bmi calculator code
print("Welcome to BMI calculator, by Abthahi Tazrian.")
Offer_Conversions = input("Would you like to convert your imperial units to metric? (yes / no): ")
if Offer_Conversions == "yes":
Imperial_Weight = input("What is your weight in pounds?: ")
Imperial_Height = input("What is your height in feet (decimals)?: ")
Imperial_Weight = float(Imperial_Weight)
Imperial_Height = float(Imperial_Height)
Metric_Converted_Weight = Imperial_Weight * 2.205
Metric_Converted_Height = Imperial_Height * 30.48
Metric_Converted_Weight = str(Metric_Converted_Weight)
Metric_Converted_Height = str(Metric_Converted_Height)
print("Your metric weight is " + Metric_Converted_Weight + " kg, please note this for the next stage.")
print("Your metric height is " + Metric_Converted_Height + " cm, please note this for the next stage.")
elif Offer_Conversions == "no":
Age = input("Put in your age: ")
Weight = input("Put in your weight in KG: ")
Height = input("Put in your height in CM: ")
Weight = float(Weight)
Height = float(Height)
Height_Squared = Height * Height
BMI_Formula_Assisted = Weight / Height_Squared
BMI_Formula_Completed = BMI_Formula_Assisted * 10000
BMI_Formula_Completed = str(BMI_Formula_Completed)
print("You have a BMI score of " + BMI_Formula_Completed + ".")
BMI_Formula_Completed = float(BMI_Formula_Completed)
if BMI_Formula_Completed <= 18.5:
print("You are underweight, consider gaining weight to bring your BMI to between 20 and 25.")
elif BMI_Formula_Completed <= 25:
print("You are perfectly healthy, with a BMI within a healthy range of between 20 and 25.")
elif BMI_Formula_Completed <= 30:
print("You are overweight, speak to a doctor about setting yourself a new target BMI between 20 and 25.")
elif BMI_Formula_Completed >= 30.1:
print("You are obese, you need to lower your BMI to between 20 and 25 or else you may be at risks.")