c++ to python code converter code example
Example 1: c++ to python code converter
using namespace std;
struct n{
int d;
struct n*next;
void push(struct n**headref, int new_d)
struct n* new_node=new n;
float avgofnodes(struct n*head)
if(!head){return -1;}
int c=0;
int s=0;
float avg =0.0;
struct n*now=head;
return avg;
int main()
struct n*head=NULL;
push(&head , 7);
push(&head, 6);
push(&head, 8);
push(&head, 4);
push(&head, 1);
cout<<"Average of nodes = "<<avgofnodes(head);
return 0;
Example 2: c++ code to python code converter online
using namespace std;
int main()
char gender;
double bodyweight, wrist, waist, hip, forearm, B, bodyfat, bfPercentage, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5;
bodyfat = bodyweight - B;
bfPercentage = (bodyfat * 100) / bodyweight;
cout << "Input gender (m/f): ";
cin >> gender;
switch (gender)
case 'F':
case 'f':
cout << "Enter body weight: ";
cin >> bodyweight;
cout << "Enter wrist measurement (at fullest point): ";
cin >> wrist;
cout << "Enter waist measurement (at navel): ";
cin >> waist;
cout << "Enter hip measurement (at fullest point): ";
cin >> hip;
cout << "Enter forearm measurement (at fullest point): ";
cin >> forearm;
A1 = (bodyweight * 0.723) + 8.987;
A2 = (wrist) / 3.140;
A3 = (waist) * 0.157;
A4 = (hip) * 0.249;
A5 = (forearm) * 0.434;
B = A1 + A2 - A3 - A4 + A5;
cout << "Your body fat is: " << bodyfat << endl
<< "Body fat percentage: " << bfPercentage << "%";
case 'M':
case 'm':
cout << "Enter body weight: ";
cin >> bodyweight;
cout << "Enter wrist measurement (at fullest point): ";
cin >> wrist;
A1 = (bodyweight * 1.082) + 94.42;
A2 = wrist * 4.14;
B = A1 - A2;
cout << "Your body fat is: " << bodyfat << endl
<< "Body fat percentage: " << bfPercentage << "%";
cout << "Invalid gender.";
return 0;