Python cannot find package h2o in anaconda

conda packages arn't language specific, in this case conda install h2o installs the java package. You need to do conda install h2o-py

No idea why this worked on my old computer without the -py.

I had the same problem with conda install, but everything worked fine with:

pip install h2o

For python 3.7, the h2o library is not supporting as on Feb-2019. So, I have created a new environment with 3.6 version and installed h2o using,

conda install -c h2oai h2o -n <myenvname>

If anyone still struggling with this issue, according to docs:

H2O has tabulate>=0.75 as a dependency; however, there is no tabulate available in the default channels for Python 3.6. This is available in the conda-forge channel. As a result, Python 3.6 users must add the conda-forge channel in order to load the latest version of H2O.

Thus, you have to follow the following steps:
conda config --append channels conda-forge
This, will append the conda-forge channel to your available repositories.
conda install -c h2oai h2o
to install the needed packages.