python: change sys.stdout print to custom print function

It's not recursion. What happens is your write function is called twice, once with the text you expect, second time with just '\n'. Try this:

import sys
class CustomPrint():
    def __init__(self):

    def write(self, text):
        text = text.rstrip()
        if len(text) == 0: return
        self.old_stdout.write('custom Print--->' + text + '\n')

    def flush(self):

What I do in the above code is I add the new line character to the text passed in the first call, and make sure the second call made by the print statement, the one meant to print new line, doesn't print anything.

Now try to comment out the first two lines and see what happens:

    def write(self, text):
        #text = text.rstrip()
        #if len(text) == 0: return
        self.old_stdout.write('custom Print--->' + text + '\n')

One solution may be to use a context manager if it's localised.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function

from contextlib import contextmanager

def no_stdout():
    import sys
    old_stdout = sys.stdout

    class CustomPrint():
        def __init__(self, stdout):
            self.old_stdout = stdout

        def write(self, text):
            if len(text.rstrip()):
                self.old_stdout.write('custom Print--->' + text)

    sys.stdout = CustomPrint(old_stdout)

        sys.stdout = old_stdout

with no_stdout():
    print("WHY HELLO!\n")
    print("DING DONG!\n")


The above produces:

custom Print--->WHY HELLO!
custom Print--->DING DONG!

The code would need tidying up esp. around what the class should do WRT setting stdout back to what it was.