Python code for the coin toss issues

import random

samples = [ random.randint(1, 2) for i in range(100) ]
heads = samples.count(1)
tails = samples.count(2)

for s in samples:
    msg = 'Heads' if s==1 else 'Tails'
    print msg

print "Heads count=%d, Tails count=%d" % (heads, tails)

You have a variable for the number of tries, which allows you to print that at the end, so just use the same approach for the number of heads and tails. Create a heads and tails variable outside the loop, increment inside the relevant if coin == X block, then print the results at the end.

import random

total_heads = 0
total_tails = 0
count = 0

while count < 100:

    coin = random.randint(1, 2)

    if coin == 1:
        total_heads += 1
        count += 1

    elif coin == 2:
        total_tails += 1
        count += 1

print("\nOkay, you flipped heads", total_heads, "times ")
print("\nand you flipped tails", total_tails, "times ")