command to find the biggest number in an array java code example

Example 1: java find biggest number in array

for (int counter = 1; counter < decMax.length; counter++)
     if (decMax[counter] > max)
      max = decMax[counter];

System.out.println("The highest maximum for the December is: " + max);

Example 2: second largest value in array java 8

public class ThirdLargestNumberInAnArray {
   public static void main(String args[]){
      int temp, size;
      int array[] = {10, 20, 25, 63, 96, 57};
      size = array.length;

      for(int i = 0; i<size; i++ ){
         for(int j = i+1; j<size; j++){

               temp = array[i];
               array[i] = array[j];
               array[j] = temp;
      System.out.println("Third second largest number is:: "+array[size-2]);