Compute the cipher text using rail fence method for the plain text "Encryption" with depth 2 code example
Example: python rail fence cipher
def rail_fence_encrypt():
word = list(input("Enter the plain text: "))
even, odd = [word[i] for i in range(0, len(word), 2)], [word[i] for i in range(1, len(word), 2)]
return ''.join(even) + ''.join(odd)
def rail_fence_decrypt():
word = list(input("Enter the plain text: "))
if(len(word) % 2 == 0):
odd, even = word[: int(len(word) / 2)], word[int(len(word) / 2): ]
odd, even = word[: int(len(word) / 2) + 1], word[int(len(word) / 2) + 1:]
if (len(odd) != len(even)):
even.append(' ')
plain = [odd[i] + even[i] for i in range(len(odd))]
return ''.join(plain)