concatenate columns in pandas dataframe code example

Example 1: pandas left join

df.merge(df2, left_on = "doc_id", right_on = "doc_num", how = "left")

Example 2: concat columns pandas dataframe

In [1]: df1 = pd.DataFrame(
   ...:     {
   ...:         "A": ["A0", "A1", "A2", "A3"],
   ...:         "B": ["B0", "B1", "B2", "B3"],
   ...:         "C": ["C0", "C1", "C2", "C3"],
   ...:         "D": ["D0", "D1", "D2", "D3"],
   ...:     },
   ...:     index=[0, 1, 2, 3],
   ...: )
In [8]: df4 = pd.DataFrame(
   ...:     {
   ...:         "B": ["B2", "B3", "B6", "B7"],
   ...:         "D": ["D2", "D3", "D6", "D7"],
   ...:         "F": ["F2", "F3", "F6", "F7"],
   ...:     },
   ...:     index=[2, 3, 6, 7],
   ...: )

In [9]: result = pd.concat([df1, df4], axis=1)
# This will merge columns of both the dataframes

Example 3: Joins with another DataFrame

# Joins with another DataFrame

df.join(df2, ==, 'outer').select(, df2.height).collect()
# [Row(name=None, height=80), Row(name=u'Bob', height=85), Row(
#   name=u'Alice', height=None)]

df.join(df2, 'name', 'outer').select('name', 'height').collect()
# [Row(name=u'Tom', height=80), Row(name=u'Bob', height=85), Row(
#   name=u'Alice', height=None)]

cond = [ ==, df.age == df3.age]
df.join(df3, cond, 'outer').select(, df3.age).collect()
# [Row(name=u'Alice', age=2), Row(name=u'Bob', age=5)]

df.join(df2, 'name').select(, df2.height).collect()
# Row(name=u'Bob', height=85)]

df.join(df4, ['name', 'age']).select(, df.age).collect()
# [Row(name=u'Bob', age=5)]

Example 4: merge two df

bigdata = pd.concat([data1, data2], ignore_index=True, sort=False)

Example 5: dataframe concatenate

# Pandas for Python

df['col1 & col2'] = df['col1']+df['col2']

#col1	col2	col1 & col2
#A1		A2		A1A2
#B1		B2		B1B2