Python convert wav to mp3

using lame (command line), you can encode wav to mp3 like this:

$ lame --preset insane /path/to/file.wav

which would create:


in Python, you could use subprocess to call it:

wav = 'myfile.wav'
cmd = 'lame --preset insane %s' % wav, shell=True)

I wrote a python library, pydub, that essentially does what Corey's Answer suggests, though it uses ffmpeg in to do the conversions in order to support more formats.

from pydub import AudioSegment

AudioSegment.from_wav("/input/file.wav").export("/output/file.mp3", format="mp3")

You must go for pydub, it is a great module for operations related with audio files.

NOTE. Do remember to install ffmpeg before you use pydub.

For help regarding installation of ffmpeg, you can use this link.

Then to install pydub just open your command prompt and type

pip install pydub

Then to convert any file from wav to mp3 just use pydub as

import pydub
sound = pydub.AudioSegment.from_wav("D:/example/apple.wav")
sound.export("D:/example/apple.mp3", format="mp3")