Dice python code example
Example 1: dice rolling simulator python
from random import randint
def roll_dice():
print(f"Number is: {randint(1,6)}")
# Do this to simulate once
# Do this to simulate multiple times
whatever = 12 # Put the number of times you want to simulate here
for number in range(whatever):
Example 2: how to make a dice in python
#For one time roll
from random import randint
dice_roll = randint(1,6)
#You can change numbers to anything you want, it can go up to 1 million if you really want it to
print("You Threw a", dice_roll)
#That's for one time throw but if you want it for multiple people then do this
#For multiple roles
import time
from random import randint
for j in range(10):
dice_roll = randint(1,6)
print("You threw a", dice_roll)