python error when string missing code example

Example 1: exception types python

   ] SystemExit
   ] KeyboardInterrupt
   ] GeneratorExit
   ] Exception
        ] StopIteration
        ] StopAsyncIteration
        ] ArithmeticError
        |    ] FloatingPointError
        |    ] OverflowError
        |    ] ZeroDivisionError
        ] AssertionError
        ] AttributeError
        ] BufferError
        ] EOFError
        ] ImportError
        |    ] ModuleNotFoundError
        ] LookupError
        |    ] IndexError
        |    ] KeyError
        ] MemoryError
        ] NameError
        |    ] UnboundLocalError
        ] OSError
        |    ] BlockingIOError
        |    ] ChildProcessError
        |    ] ConnectionError
        |    |    ] BrokenPipeError
        |    |    ] ConnectionAbortedError
        |    |    ] ConnectionRefusedError
        |    |    ] ConnectionResetError
        |    ] FileExistsError
        |    ] FileNotFoundError
        |    ] InterruptedError
        |    ] IsADirectoryError
        |    ] NotADirectoryError
        |    ] PermissionError
        |    ] ProcessLookupError
        |    ] TimeoutError
        ] ReferenceError
        ] RuntimeError
        |    ] NotImplementedError
        |    ] RecursionError
        ] SyntaxError
        |    ] IndentationError
        |         ] TabError
        ] SystemError
        ] TypeError
        ] ValueError
        |    ] UnicodeError
        |         ] UnicodeDecodeError
        |         ] UnicodeEncodeError
        |         ] UnicodeTranslateError
        ] Warning
             ] DeprecationWarning
             ] PendingDeprecationWarning
             ] RuntimeWarning
             ] SyntaxWarning
             ] UserWarning
             ] FutureWarning
             ] ImportWarning
             ] UnicodeWarning
             ] BytesWarning
             ] ResourceWarning

Example 2: python raise error exit

# There are 3 approaches, the first as lvc mentioned is using sys.exit
sys.exit('My error message')

# The second way is using print, print can write almost anything including an error message
print >>sys.stderr, "fatal error"     # Python 2.x
print("fatal error", file=sys.stderr) # Python 3.x

# The third way is to rise an exception which I don't like because it can be try-catch
raise SystemExit('error in code want to exit')

# it can be ignored like this
  raise SystemExit('error in code want to exit')
  print("program is still open")