es6 return function code example

Example 1: es6 arrow function

const multiplyES6 = (x, y) => x * y;

Example 2: Arrow Functions

// The usual way of writing function
const magic = function() {
  return new Date();

// Arrow function syntax is used to rewrite the function
const magic = () => {
  return new Date();
const magic = () => new Date();

Example 3: arrow function map js

const exampleArray = ['aa','bbc','ccdd'];
console.log( => a.length));
//Would print out [2,3,4]

Example 4: concise body arrow functions javascript

const plantNeedsWater = day => day === 'Wednesday' ? true : false;

//If only 1 Parameter no () needed
//Single line return is implicit
//Single line no {} needed