Python: Exporting environment variables in subprocess.Popen(..)

The substitution of environment variables on the command line is done by the shell, not by /bin/echo. So you need to run the command in a shell to get the substitution:

In [22]: subprocess.Popen('/bin/echo $TEST_VARIABLE', shell=True, env=d).wait()
Out[22]: 0

That doesn't mean the environment variable is not set when shell=False, however. Even without shell=True, the executable does see the enviroment variables set by the env parameter. For example, date is affected by the TZ environment variable:

In [23]: subprocess.Popen(["date"], env={'TZ': 'America/New_York'}).wait()
Wed Oct 29 22:05:52 EDT 2014
Out[23]: 0

In [24]: subprocess.Popen(["date"], env={'TZ': 'Asia/Taipei'}).wait()
Thu Oct 30 10:06:05 CST 2014
Out[24]: 0

For Python 3.5 and newer, you can use unpacking generalizations, eg:

env = {
    "TEST_VARIABLE": str(1234),
subprocess.Popen('/usr/bin/mybinary', env=env).wait()