extract rows with condition python code example

Example 1: slice dataframe pandas based on condition

# To slice pandas dataframe by condition

frioMurteira = data.loc[(data["POM"] == "Murteira") & (data["TMP"] > 7.2), ["DTM","TMP"]]

Example 2: python pandas dataframe conditional subset

In [722]: df[(df['C']==1) | df['B']]
   A      B  C
0  1   True  1
2  2  False  1
3  2   True  2
4  3   True  1

In [723]: df.query('C==1 or B==True')
   A      B  C
0  1   True  1
2  2  False  1
3  2   True  2
4  3   True  1

In [724]: df[df.eval('C==1 or B==True')]
   A      B  C
0  1   True  1
2  2  False  1
3  2   True  2
4  3   True  1