f string python 3 code example
Example 1: f string repr
>>> color = "blue\ngreen"
>>> day = datetime.date(2020, 6, 4)
>>> f"Color is {color} and day is {day}"
'Color is blue\ngreen and day is 2020-06-04'
>>> f"Color is {color!r} and day is {day!r}"
"Color is 'blue\\ngreen' and day is datetime.date(2020, 6, 4)"
Example 2: python f string
>>> name = "Eric"
>>> age = 74
>>> f"Hello, {name}. You are {age}."
'Hello, Eric. You are 74.'
Example 3: python fstring
age = 12
name = "Simon"
print(f"Hi! My name is {name} and I am {age} years old")