Python Facebook API - cursor pagination
Sadly the documentation of pagination is an open issue since almost 2 years. You should be able to paginate like this (based on this example) using requests:
import facebook
import requests
ACCESS_TOKEN = "my_token"
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(ACCESS_TOKEN)
friends = graph.get_connections("me","friends")
allfriends = []
# Wrap this block in a while loop so we can keep paginating requests until
# finished.
for friend in friends['data']:
# Attempt to make a request to the next page of data, if it exists.
except KeyError:
# When there are no more pages (['paging']['next']), break from the
# loop and end the script.
print allfriends
Update: There's a new generator method available which implements above behavior and can be used to iterate over all friends like this:
for friend in graph.get_all_connections("me", "friends"):
# Do something with this friend.