Python - Flask Default Route possible?
There is a snippet on Flask's website about a 'catch-all' route for flask. You can find it here.
Basically the decorator works by chaining two URL filters. The example on the page is:
@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
def catch_all(path):
return 'You want path: %s' % path
Which would give you:
% curl # Matches the first rule
You want path:
% curl # Matches the second rule
You want path: foo/bar
def handle_404(e):
# handle all other routes here
return 'Not Found, but we HANDLED IT
If you single page application has nested routes (e.g. - typical in Ionic/Angular routing), you can extend the same logic like this:
@app.route('/', defaults={'path1': '', 'path2': ''})
@app.route('/<path:path1>', defaults={'path2': ''})
def catch_all(path1, path2):
return app.send_static_file('index.html')