Flask Tutorial: Hello World code example

Example 1: hello world code in flask

#Save the file as app.py
from flask import Flask


def Home():
  return "Hello World"

#Run on command Prompt following commands(Windows):
#   >>cd Desktop/
#   >>cd FlaskFolder
#   >>py -3 -m venv venv
#   >>venv\Scripts\activate
#   >>python app.py

Example 2: flask tutorial

use python and flask(one of the best web frameworks in python) 
as the server-side language and control the look of your web app 
using the front-end languages - html,css, and js...[TRY THE "MVC(model-visual-controlling)" METHOD]
from flask import Flask, render_template #importing the module Flask and its attributes...

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
  return render_template('index.html') #using the index.html file for visual controlling...

if __name__=="__main__":
<exremely important>
make sure that you :
	Create a new folder called "templates" in the same directory where your python file is saved ,and create a new html file called "index.html", and write your html code there...
    Store all assets and other files(including css files,images,videos,js files,and other html files{if any}) in the same "templates" folder...