fstring python code example
Example 1: f string python
name = input()
print(f"Welcome to grepper {name}")
""" E.g. Welcome to grepper Michael Reeves """
Example 2: f string in python
name = "John Smith"
print(f"Hello, {name}")
name = "John Smith"
print("Hello, {}".format(name))
Example 3: python f string
>>> name = "Eric"
>>> age = 74
>>> f"Hello, {name}. You are {age}."
'Hello, Eric. You are 74.'
Example 4: python fstring
age = 12
name = "Simon"
print(f"Hi! My name is {name} and I am {age} years old")
Example 5: python f string
An f-string stands for 'function-string' it's just used to work with
strings more appropiately, they do the exact same job as concantenating
strings but are more efficient and readable.
Age = "25"
print("I am "+Age+" years old.")
Age = 25
print(f"I am {Age} years old.")
Age = "25"
print("I am {} years old.".format(Age))
Age = "25"
Name = "Jeff"
print("I am {} years old, and my name is {}.".format(Age,Name))
Example 6: python f string literal
name = "George"
age = 16
favorite_food = "pizza"
print("My name is", name, ", my age is", age, ", and my favorite food is", favorite_food)
print("My name is "+ name +", my age is "+ str(age)+ ", and my favorite food is "+ favorite_food)
print(f"My name is {name}, my age is {age}, and my favorite food is {favorite_food}")
Why put the f before the string, you ask?
Well if you didnt, the output would literally be {name} instead of the actual variable
One more thing: this is fairly new and only works with python 3.6 and higher.