funtions in python code example

Example 1: python functions

def chess_piece(piece_name, piece_value, piece_rank):
    """Info about a chess piece."""
    print(f"\nThis chess piece is called the {piece_name}.")
    print(f"It has an approximate value of {piece_value} points.")
    print(f"In other words, this piece is the {piece_rank} valuable piece.")
chess_piece('pawn', '1', 'least')
chess_piece('knight', '3', 'second to last most')
chess_piece('bishop', '3', 'third to last most')
chess_piece('rook', '5', 'third most')
chess_piece('queen', '9', 'second most')
chess_piece('king', 'infinite', 'most')

Example 2: python functions

def function():
  print('This is a basic function')
// Returns 'This is a basic function'

def add(numA, numB):
// Returns 3

def define(value):
  return value

example = define('Lorem ipsum')
// Returns 'Lorem ipsum'

Example 3: python funtion

def nameOfFunction(something):
  	return something

Example 4: how to define a function in python

variable = "Hello, world!" # variable = string("Hello, world!")

#A simply function :

def Functiontest(): #define a function
  print("Hello, world!")
#Function with components :

def Functiontestwithcomponent(arg1, arg2): # Define a function with two arguments, arg1 and arg2.
  if arg1 == True: # Arguments can have any name, like variables.

#Call a function :
Functiontest() #Start Function.

#Call a function with two components :

Functiontestwithcomponent(True, "Hello, function!") #Start Function and precise two arguments :

Example 5: how to make a function in python

def your_function(arg1, arg2, arg3):

#to call the function (make it run):

your_function(something, something, something)