Python: getting filename case as stored in Windows?

This one is standard library only and converts all path parts (except drive letter):

def casedpath(path):
    r = glob.glob(re.sub(r'([^:/\\])(?=[/\\]|$)|\[', r'[\g<0>]', path))
    return r and r[0] or path

And this one handles UNC paths in addition:

def casedpath_unc(path):
    unc, p = os.path.splitunc(path)
    r = glob.glob(unc + re.sub(r'([^:/\\])(?=[/\\]|$)|\[', r'[\g<0>]', p))
    return r and r[0] or path

Note: It is somewhat slower than the file system dependent Win API "GetShortPathName" method, but works platform & file system independent and also when short filename generation is switched off on Windows volumes (fsutil.exe 8dot3name query C:). The latter is recommended at least for performance critical file systems when no 16bit apps rely anymore on that:

fsutil.exe behavior set disable8dot3 1

I had problems with special characters with the win32api solution above. For unicode filenames you need to use:


Here's the simplest way to do it:

>>> import win32api
>>> win32api.GetLongPathName(win32api.GetShortPathName('texas.txt')))