graph depth first seach example

Example 1: python depth first search

# left to right, pre-order depth first tree search, iterative. O(n) time/space
def depthFirstSearch(root):
    st = [root]
    while st:
        current = st.pop()
        if current.right is not None: st.append(current.right) 
        if current.left is not None: st.append(current.left)

Example 2: depth first search stack

DFS-iterative (G, s):                                   //Where G is graph and s is source vertex
      let S be stack
      S.push( s )            //Inserting s in stack 
      mark s as visited.
      while ( S is not empty):
          //Pop a vertex from stack to visit next
          v  = )
         S.pop( )
         //Push all the neighbours of v in stack that are not visited   
        for all neighbours w of v in Graph G:
            if w is not visited :
                     S.push( w )         
                    mark w as visited

    DFS-recursive(G, s):
        mark s as visited
        for all neighbours w of s in Graph G:
            if w is not visited:
                DFS-recursive(G, w)