group in regex python code example

Example 1: python regular expression

import re

# The string you want to find a pattern within
test_string = 'Hello greppers!'

# Creating a regular expression pattern
# This is a simple one which finds "Hello"
pattern = re.compile(r'Hello')

# This locates and returns all the occurences of the pattern
# within the test_string
match = pattern.finditer(test_string)

# Outputs all the ocurrences which were returned as 
# as match objects
for match in matches:

Example 2: python named group regex example

>>>'(?P<name>[^-]+)-(?P<ver>\d.\d.\d-\d+).tar.gz', 'package_name-1.2.3-2004.tar.gz').groupdict()
{'name': 'package_name', 'ver': '1.2.3-2004'}

Example 3: python re

parse("Today is Dec 1 16", fuzzy_with_tokens=True)
parse("Today is Dec 1 14", fuzzy_with_tokens=True)
parse("Today is Nov 30 12", fuzzy_with_tokens=True)