how to call a function in php code example
Example 1: call javascript function from php
// The most basic method
echo '<script type="text/javascript">',
'someJsFunc();', // Or Whatever
// However, if what you are trying to achieve requires more complexity,
// You might be better off adding the V8JS module, see link below
Example 2: function php
function functionName() {
//code to be executed;
Example 3: how to define function in php
function writeMsg() {
echo "Hello world!";
writeMsg(); //call the function
Example 4: execute function php
function functionName() {
//code to be executed;
Example 5: how to call js function from php
if(your condition){
echo "<script> window.onload = function() {
yourJavascriptFunction(param1, param2);
}; </script>";
Example 6: php functions
How to format functions
1. Camel Case myFunction()
2.Lower case with underscore my_function()
3. Pascal Cae - MyFunction() usally used with classes
function simpleFunction(){
echo 'Hello John';
//Run the function like so
//function with param
function sayHello($name = " you out there!"){
echo "<br>and<br> Hello $name<br>";
//Reurn Value
function addNumbers($num1, $num2){
return $num1 + $num2;
echo addNumbers(2,3);
// By Reference
$myNum = 10;
function addFive($num){
$num += 5;
function addTen(&$num) {
$num += 10;
echo "<br>Value: $myNum<br>";
echo "Value: $myNum<br>";