how to convert nested list to string in python code example
Example: python convert nested list to list of strings
# Basix syntax:
['delim'.join([str(elem) for elem in sublist]) for sublist in my_list]
# Where delim is the delimiter that will separate the elements of the
# nested lists when they are flattened to a list of strings
# Note, this uses two "levels" of list comprehension
# Example usage 1:
my_list = [[1, '1', 1], [2,'2',2], [3,'3',3]]
[' '.join([str(elem) for elem in sublist]) for sublist in my_list]
--> ['1 1 1', '2 2 2', '3 3 3'] # List of space-delimited strings
# Example usage 2:
my_list = [[1, '1', 1], [2,'2',2], [3,'3',3]]
['_'.join([str(elem) for elem in sublist]) for sublist in my_list]
--> ['1_1_1', '2_2_2', '3_3_3'] # List of underscore-delimited strings