how to define variable in python code example

Example 1: how to declare a variable in python

variable = 2

Example 2: declaring variables in python

my_name = "your name here "# you can add perenthisis

Example 3: variables in python

#Name your variable

myvar = 'Variable'
Number = 9

print(myvar, Number, 'are the variables I made')

Example 4: variables in python

# Variables in Python are used to store some data in it and use it over and
# over again 
# Variables can store Strings, Integers, Floats, Booleans
var_string = "Hello World!"
var_integer = 1234567890	# any number
var_float = 3.14159			# any number with decimal value
var_boolean = True          # True or False

Example 5: python variable

Python variable

Example 6: how to define variable in python

saving = 100
print (saving)