how to fix the rank in jupyter notebook code example

Example: how to fix the rank in jupyter notebook

#Convert the list into CSV file
mycsv = csv.writer(open(r'C:\Users\ashen\OneDrive\Desktop\ITSS 4355.001 - Data Visualization - F20\Ashenafe.csv','w', newline=''))
for row in list1:
#Fetching the row index
#No calculation is done at header level
    e= list1.index(row)
#Compare the year value of the current record with the year value of the previous record
#if same calculate the rank, if different assign the rank as one
    if row[1] != c and e != 0:
        C= row[1]
        row[3]= v
        if row[1] == c and e != 0:
            row[3]= v
#write row to csv