how to make an rpg text game in python code example

Example: how to make text game python

import time #this and time.sleep() is optional, I am just using it

print('CoolKitty Presents')
print('Text Game')
print('1 Start')
print('2 Exit')
start = int(input('Press Binded Number')) #this creates an input in the console for users to type
if start == 1: #If the user typed in 1
  print('Go To Place 1 Or Place 2?') #your script
  place = int(input('Place 1 Or Place 2?')) #creates another input in console
  if place == 1: #If they typed 1
    print('You are at place 1') #your script
    exit() # ends script
  if place == 2:
    print('You are at place 2') #your script
    exit() #ends script
if start == 2: # If 2 is typed in, you can also do more numbers then 2!
  exit() #ends program, might say have died, but that is normal.