how to send the failed response to db flask code example

Example: flask exception handler

'''Application error handlers.'''
from app.models.s3 import S3ClientError
from app.models.threatstack import ThreatStackError
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify

errors = Blueprint('errors', __name__)

def handle_error(error):
    message = [str(x) for x in error.args]
    status_code = 500
    success = False
    response = {
        'success': success,
        'error': {
            'type': error.__class__.__name__,
            'message': message

    return jsonify(response), status_code

def handle_unexpected_error(error):
    status_code = 500
    success = False
    response = {
        'success': success,
        'error': {
            'type': 'UnexpectedException',
            'message': 'An unexpected error has occurred.'

    return jsonify(response), status_code