python implement multithreading code example
Example 1: multithreading in python
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
def stringFunction(value):
my_str = 3 + value
return my_str
def stringFunctio(value):
my_str = 33 + value
return my_str
pool = ThreadPool(processes=1)
thread1 = pool.apply_async(stringFunction,(8,))
thread2 = pool.apply_async(stringFunctio,(8,))
return_val = thread1.get()
return_val1 = thread2.get()
Example 2: how to execute program with multithreading python
import thread
import time
def print_time( threadName, delay):
count = 0
while count < 5:
count += 1
print "%s: %s" % ( threadName, time.ctime(time.time()) )
thread.start_new_thread( print_time, ("Thread-1", 2, ) )
thread.start_new_thread( print_time, ("Thread-2", 4, ) )
print "Error: unable to start thread"
while 1: