input funciton in python code example
Example 1: python input
#Collecting The Input As A Variable:#
name = input('Please enter your name: ')
#Printing The Variable:#
#Checking The Variable And Printing Accordingly:#
if name == 'Joe':
print('Joe Mama')
Example 2: python input
# Learning input is very easy
# Just make a variable and then the input function
# then type what question do you want
running = True
mi = input('Are you a girl or a boy?')
# Use def to figure it out
l = mi
if l == 'boy' or l == 'Boy':
ui = 'boy'
elif l == 'girl' or l == 'Girl':
ui = 'girl'
# Make sure if it is a something not in the if
running = False
if running == True:
mine = input('How old are you?')
def v(u):
n = int(u)
if n > 3 and n < 11:
print('Good', ui)
# Remember to use the function