ipython short cuts code example

Example: ipython short cuts

Short-cut                                    Action
Ctrl-a	                        Move cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl-e	                        Move cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl-b or the left arrow key	Move cursor back one character
Ctrl-f or the right arrow key	Move cursor forward one character
Ctrl-d	                        Delete next character in line
Ctrl-k	                        Cut text from cursor to end of line
Ctrl-u	                        Cut text from beginning of line to cursor
Ctrl-y	                        paste text that was previously cut
Ctrl-t	                        Transpose (i.e., switch) previous two characters
Ctrl-p (or the up arrow key)	Access previous command in history
Ctrl-n (or the down arrow key)	Access next command in history
Ctrl-r                       	Reverse-search through command history