python: is there an XML parser implemented as a generator?

xml.etree.cElementTree comes close to a generator with correct usage; by default you receive each element after its 'end' event, at which point you can process it. You should use element.clear() on the element if you don't need it after processing; thereby you save the memory.

Here is a complete example what I mean, where I parse Rhythmbox's (Music Player) Library. I use (c)ElementTree's iterparse and for each processed element I call element.clear() so that I save quite a lot of memory. (Btw, the code below is a successor to some sax code to do the same thing; the cElementTree solution was a relief since 1) The code is concise and expresses what I need and nothing more 2) It is 3x as fast, 3) it uses less memory.)

import os
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
NEEDED_KEYS= set(("title", "artist", "album", "track-number", "location", ))

def _lookup_string(string, strmap):
    """Look up @string in the string map,
    and return the copy in the map.

    If not found, update the map with the string.
    string = string or ""
        return strmap[string]
    except KeyError:
        strmap[string] = string
        return string

def get_rhythmbox_songs(dbfile, typ="song", keys=NEEDED_KEYS):
    """Return a list of info dictionaries for all songs
    in a Rhythmbox library database file, with dictionary
    keys as given in @keys.
    rhythmbox_dbfile = os.path.expanduser(dbfile)

    lSongs = []
    strmap = {}

    # Parse with iterparse; we get the elements when
    # they are finished, and can remove them directly after use.

    for event, entry in ElementTree.iterparse(rhythmbox_dbfile):
        if not (entry.tag == ("entry") and entry.get("type") == typ):
        info = {}
        for child in entry.getchildren():
            if child.tag in keys:
                tag = _lookup_string(child.tag, strmap)
                text = _lookup_string(child.text, strmap)
                info[tag] = text
    return lSongs

Now, I don't understand your expectations, do you have the following expectation?

# take one
for event, entry in ElementTree.iterparse(rhythmbox_dbfile):
    # parse some entries, then exit loop

# take two
for event, entry in ElementTree.iterparse(rhythmbox_dbfile):
    # parse the rest of entries

Each time you call iterparse you get a new iterator object, reading the file anew! If you want a persistent object with iterator semantics, you have to refer to the same object in both loops (untried code):

parseiter = iter(ElementTree.iterparse(rhythmbox_dbfile))
# take one
for event, entry in parseiter:
    # parse some entries, then exit loop

# take two
for event, entry in parseiter:
    # parse the rest of entries

I think it can be confusing since different objects have different semantics. A file object will always have an internal state and advance in the file, however you iterate on it. An ElementTree iterparse object apparently not. The crux is to think that when you use a for loop, the for always calls iter() on the thing you iterate over. Here is an experiment comparing ElementTree.iterparse with a file object:

>>> import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
>>> pth = "/home/ulrik/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml"
>>> iterparse = ElementTree.iterparse(pth)
>>> iterparse
<iterparse object at 0x483a0890>
>>> iter(iterparse)
<generator object at 0x483a2f08>
>>> iter(iterparse)
<generator object at 0x483a6468>
>>> f = open(pth, "r")
>>> f
<open file '/home/ulrik/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml', mode 'r' at 0x4809af98>
>>> iter(f)
<open file '/home/ulrik/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml', mode 'r' at 0x4809af98>
>>> iter(f)
<open file '/home/ulrik/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml', mode 'r' at 0x4809af98>

What you see is that each call to iter() on an iterparse object returns a new generator. The file object however, has an internal Operating System state that must be conserved and it its own iterator.

"On the fly" parsing and document trees are not really compatible. SAX-style parsers are usually used for that (for example, Python's standard xml.sax). You basically have to define a class with handlers for various events like startElement, endElement, etc. and the parser will call the methods as it parses the XML file.

PullDom does what you want. It reads XML from a stream, like SAX, but then builds a DOM for a selected piece of it.

"PullDOM is a really simple API for working with DOM objects in a streaming (efficient!) manner rather than as a monolithic tree."