Example 1: join on column pandas
Example 2: pandas left join
df.merge(df2, left_on = "doc_id", right_on = "doc_num", how = "left")
Example 3: Joins with another DataFrame
df.join(df2, df.name == df2.name, 'outer').select(
df.name, df2.height).collect()
df.join(df2, 'name', 'outer').select('name', 'height').collect()
cond = [df.name == df3.name, df.age == df3.age]
df.join(df3, cond, 'outer').select(df.name, df3.age).collect()
df.join(df2, 'name').select(df.name, df2.height).collect()
df.join(df4, ['name', 'age']).select(df.name, df.age).collect()
Example 4: join in pandas
import pandas as pd
clients = {'Client_ID': [111,222,333,444,555],
'Client_Name': ['Jon Snow','Maria Green', 'Bill Jones','Rick Lee','Pamela Lopez']
df1 = pd.DataFrame(clients, columns= ['Client_ID','Client_Name'])
countries = {'Client_ID': [111,222,333,444,777],
'Client_Country': ['UK','Canada','Spain','China','Brazil']
df2 = pd.DataFrame(countries, columns= ['Client_ID', 'Client_Country'])
Inner_Join = pd.merge(df1, df2, how='inner', on=['Client_ID', 'Client_ID'])
Example 5: join to dataframes pandas
>>> df.join(other.set_index('key'), on='key')
key A B
0 K0 A0 B0
1 K1 A1 B1
2 K2 A2 B2
3 K3 A3 NaN
4 K4 A4 NaN
5 K5 A5 NaN
Example 6: pandas join dataframe