python jon code example

Example 1: what is join use for in python

>>> sentence = ['this','is','a','sentence']
>>> '-'.join(sentence)

Example 2: join method in python

# the join method in python is works like 
# it joins the the string that you provide to it to a sequence types(lists etc..)
flowers = [
    "Evening Primrose",
    "Tiger Lilly",
print(", ".join(flowers))

# what the sbove code does is it joins all the flowers in list by ', '
# output = Daffodil, Evening Primrose, Hydrangea, Iris, Lavender, Sunflower, Tiger Lilly

Example 3: python join

# Joins all items in a list or tuple, using a specific separator
lst = ['a', 'b', 'c']
joinedLst = ', '.join(lst)
print(x) # Prints 'a, b, c'