json validate code example

Example 1: if json valide js

function IsJsonString(str) {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
        return false;
    return true;

Example 2: JSON validate

import numpy as np
df['first_five_Letter']=df['Country (region)'].str.extract(r'(^w{5})')

Example 3: JSON validate

#convert column to string
df['movie_title'] = df['movie_title'].astype(str)

#but it remove numbers in names of movies too
df['titles'] = df['movie_title'].str.extract('([a-zA-Z ]+)', expand=False).str.strip()
df['titles1'] = df['movie_title'].str.split('(', 1).str[0].str.strip()
df['titles2'] = df['movie_title'].str.replace(r'\([^)]*\)', '').str.strip()
print df
          movie_title      titles      titles1      titles2
0  Toy Story 2 (1995)   Toy Story  Toy Story 2  Toy Story 2
1    GoldenEye (1995)   GoldenEye    GoldenEye    GoldenEye
2   Four Rooms (1995)  Four Rooms   Four Rooms   Four Rooms
3   Get Shorty (1995)  Get Shorty   Get Shorty   Get Shorty
4      Copycat (1995)     Copycat      Copycat      Copycat

Example 4: JSON validate

**Output:** ['Finland', 'Florida', 'france']

Example 5: JSON validate

S=pd.Series(['Finland','Colombia','Florida','Japan','Puerto Rico','Russia','france'])
[itm[0] for itm in S.str.findall('^[Ff].*') if len(itm)>0]

Example 6: JSON validate

# Get countries starting with letter P
S=pd.Series(['Finland','Colombia','Florida','Japan','Puerto Rico','Russia','france'])