Largest Subarray of sum K code example

Example 1: minimum subarray size with sum >k

def smallestSubWithSum(arr, n, x):
    # Initialize current sum and minimum length
    curr_sum = 0
    min_len = n + 1
    # Initialize starting and ending indexes
    start = 0
    end = 0
    while (end < n):
        # Keep adding array elements while current
        # sum is smaller than or equal to x
        while (curr_sum <= x and end < n):
            curr_sum += arr[end]
            end += 1
        # If current sum becomes greater than x.
        while (curr_sum > x and start < n):
            # Update minimum length if needed
            if (end - start < min_len):
                min_len = end - start
            # remove starting elements
            curr_sum -= arr[start]
            start += 1
    return min_len

Example 2: find longest subarray by sum

def max_length(s, k):
    current = []
    max_len = -1 # returns -1 if there is no subsequence that adds up to k.
    for i in s:
        while sum(current) > k: # Shrink the array from the left, until the sum is <= k.
           current = current[1:]
        if sum(current) == k:
            max_len = max(max_len, len(current))

    return max_len