log4j example

Example 1: how do you use log4j

How do you use Log4J in your framework?
Basically it is printing/logging the important
events of the application/test run.
in my project I did logging using the log4j library.
I added the library dependency into pom.xml.
For logging we create an object from
Logger Interface and LogManager class using
getLogger method and passing the class name in it;  

private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(LogDemo.class.getName());
static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(log4jExample.class.getName());

We create it by passing the
name of the current class.
Then we can use this object 
to do our logging.

The Logger object is responsible for capturing 
logging information and they are stored 
in a namespace hierarchy.

Example 2: what is log4j

How do you use Log4J in your framework?
printing/logging the important events of the application/test run.
in my project I did logging using the log4j library.
I added the library dependency into pom.xml.
For logging we create an object from
Logger Interface and LogManager class using
getLogger method and passing the class name in it;  

private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(LogDemo.class.getName());
static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(log4jExample.class.getName());

We create it by passing the name of the current class.
Then we can use this object to do our logging.

The Logger object is responsible for capturing 
logging information and they are stored in a namespace hierarchy.

Example 3: log4j example

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import java.io.*;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;

public class log4jExample{

   /* Get actual class name to be printed on */
   static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(log4jExample.class.getName());
   public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException,SQLException{
      log.debug("Hello this is a debug message");
      log.info("Hello this is an info message");

Example 4: log4j example

# Define the root logger with appender file
log = /usr/home/log4j
log4j.rootLogger = DEBUG, FILE

# Define the file appender

# Define the layout for file appender