math package python 3 code example

Example 1: math pyhon ?

operator   |  name                    | example |
+			Addition	    			x + y	
-			Subtraction	    			x - y	
*			Multiplication				x * y	
/			Division	    			x / y	
%			Modulus     				x % y	
**			Exponentiation				x ** y	
//			Floor division				x // y

Operator |           Name                  | Example |
==				Equal	       				x == y	
!=				Not equal					x != y	
>				Greater than				x > y	
<				Less than					x < y	
>=				Greater than or equal to	x >= y	
<=				Less than or equal to	    x <= y

Operator  |	Example	|
=	     	x = 5	
+=			x += 3	
-=			x -= 3	
*=			x *= 3		
/=			x /= 3	
%=			x %= 3		
//=			x //= 3	
**=			x **= 3	
&=			x &= 3	
|=			x |= 3			
^=			x ^= 3			
>>=			x >>= 3				
<<=			x <<= 3

Example 2: python math sheet

import time, random, numpy as np

'''note: this is before i leanred the round(num,prec)

def space():

class test:    
  def fract():
    '''fraction test'''
    num = random.randint(1, 6)
    if num == 1:
      user = float(input('what is 1/3 decimals = 3: '))
      if (np.around(1/3, decimals=3)) == user:
        print('yes 1/3 = 0.333 or 0.33 and 1/3')
        print('no 1/3 = 0.333 or .33 and 1/3')
    elif num == 2:
      user = float(input('what is 2/3, decimals = 3: '))
      if (np.around(2/3, decimals=3)) == user:
        print('yes 2/3 = 0.666 or 0.66 and 2/3')
        print('no 2/3 = 0.666 or 0.66 and 2/3')
    elif num == 3:
      user = float(input('what is 1/8, decimals = 3: '))
      if (np.around(1/8, decimals=3)) == user:
        print('yes 1/8 = 0.125 or 0.12 and 1/2')
        print('no 2/3 = 0.125 or 0.12 and 1/2')
    elif num == 4:
      user = float(input('what is 3/8, decimals = 3: '))
      if (np.around(3/8, decimals=3)) == user:
        print('yes 3/8 = 0.375 or 0.37 and 1/2')
        print('no 3/8 = 0.375 or 0.37 and 1/2')
    elif num == 5:
      user = float(input('what is 5/8, decimals = 3: '))
      if (np.around(5/8, decimals=3)) == user:
        print('yes 5/8 = 0.625 or 0.62 and 1/2')
        print('no 5/8 = 0.625 or 0.62 and 1/2')
    elif num == 6:
      user = float(input('what is 7/8, decimals = 3: '))
      if (np.around(7/8, decimals=3)) == user:
        print('yes 3/8 = 0.875 or 0.87 and 1/2')
        print('no 5/8 = 0.875 or 0.87 and 1/2')
  def div(a, b):
    correct = a/b
    user = int(input(f'what is {a} / {b}: '))
    if user == correct:
      print(f'yes {a} / {b} = {correct}')
      print(f'no {a} / {b} = {correct}')
  def mul(a, b):
    anc = a*b
    user = int(input(f'{a} * {b} = : '))
    if user == a*b:
      print(f'correct {a} * {b} = {a*b}')
      print(f'not corect {a} * {b} = {a*b}')