Python mockito - Mocking a class which is being instantiated from the testable function

It is quite simple if you know the trick.

Creating an object in Python is very much like a function call to the class object. UserCompanyRateLimitValidation is 'invoking' UserAdapter(user_public_key). You want to stub the return value of that 'call' to return UserAdapter_mock.

You can stub this like you would stub a function in a module. The line you're missing is:


After that, calling module_declaring_UserAdapter.UserAdapter(self.user_public_key) will return UserAdapter_mock.

Here's the link to the section in the manual:

You have to be careful to choose the right module_declaring_UserAdapter, due to the way the from ... import ... statement works. From your code, I'd say you have to pick the module in which UserCompanyRateLimitValidation is declared.