python multiprocessing - process hangs on join for large queue

The qout queue in the subprocess gets full. The data you put in it from foo() doesn't fit in the buffer of the OS's pipes used internally, so the subprocess blocks trying to fit more data. But the parent process is not reading this data: it is simply blocked too, waiting for the subprocess to finish. This is a typical deadlock.

There must be a limit on the size of queues. Consider the following modification:

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue

def foo(qin,qout):
    while True:
        bar = qin.get()
        if bar is None:

if __name__=='__main__':
    import sys

    qout=Queue()   ## POSITION 1
    for i in range(100):
        #qout=Queue()   ## POSITION 2
        for j in range(1000):
            print x


    print 'Done!'

This works as-is (with qout.put line commented out). If you try to save all 100000 results, then qout becomes too large: if I uncomment out the qout.put({'bar':bar}) in foo, and leave the definition of qout in POSITION 1, the code hangs. If, however, I move qout definition to POSITION 2, then the script finishes.

So in short, you have to be careful that neither qin nor qout becomes too large. (See also: Multiprocessing Queue maxsize limit is 32767)