python operand code example

Example 1: python larger or equal

# To test if something is larger or equal use '>='
5 >= 10
# Output:
# False

Example 2: python math operators

# Below follow the math operators that can be used in python
# ** Exponent	
2 ** 3 # Output: 8
# % Modulus/Remaider	
22 % 8 # Output: 6
# // Integer division	
22 // 8 # Output: 2
# / Division	
22 / 8 # Output: 2.75
# * Multiplication	
3 * 3 # Output: 9
# - Subtraction	
5 - 2 # Output: 3
# + Addition	
2 + 2 # Output: 4

Example 3: //= python meaning

#Performs floor-division on the values on either side. Then assigns it to the expression on the left.
>>> a=6
>>> a//=3
>>> print(a)

Example 4: x and y in python

x > y is False
x < y is True
x == y is False
x != y is True
x >= y is False
x <= y is True


Css Example