pandas convert object to float code example
Example 1: convert column to numeric pandas
df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric)
df[["a", "b"]] = df[["a", "b"]].apply(pd.to_numeric)
Example 2: pandas object to float
df['DataFrame Column'] = df['DataFrame Column'].astype(float)
Example 3: pandas dataframe convert string to float
df_raw['PricePerSeat_Outdoor'] = pd.to_numeric(df_raw['PricePerSeat_Outdoor'], errors='coerce')
Example 4: object to int and float conversion pandas
In [39]:
df['2nd'] = df['2nd'].str.replace(',','').astype(int)
df['CTR'] = df['CTR'].str.replace('%','').astype(np.float64)
Date object
WD int64
Manpower float64
2nd int32
CTR float64
2ndU float64
T1 int64
T2 int64
T3 int64
T4 object
dtype: object
In [40]:
Date WD Manpower 2nd CTR 2ndU T1 T2 T3 T4
0 2013/4/6 6 NaN 2645 5.27 0.29 407 533 454 368
1 2013/4/7 7 NaN 2118 5.89 0.31 257 659 583 369
2 2013/4/13 6 NaN 2470 5.38 0.29 354 531 473 383
3 2013/4/14 7 NaN 2033 6.77 0.37 396 748 681 458
4 2013/4/20 6 NaN 2690 5.38 0.29 361 528 541 381