python paper scissors rock game code example
Example: python rock paper scissors
from random import randint
userA = input("Rock(R), Paper(P) or Scissors(S)")
comp = ["R", "P", "S"]
compA = comp[randint(0, 2)]
if userA == compA:
elif userA == "R" and compA == "P":
print("You Lose")
elif userA == "R" and compA == "S":
print("You Win")
elif userA == "S" and compA == "P":
print("You Win")
elif userA == "S" and compA == "R":
print("You Lose")
elif userA == "P" and compA == "R":
print("You Win")
elif userA == "P" and compA == "S":
print("You Lose")