pass in python 3 code example
Example 1: pass keyword python
# Allow a statement to be empty during the code inspection
# avoid an Error to be thrown
#Exemple :
for i in range(10):
pass # this segment do nothing
Example 2: Python Pass
if(condition): (if this condtion is true)
pass (do not performance any operation)
Statements (So only else will execute when condition false)
Example 3: python pass
def example(): #This would produce a error if we left it.
def example2(): # This would not produce a error
Example 4: pass python
# Pass it's used when need have something to fill something an not implemented
# function...
def notImplementedFunction():
Example 5: pass in python
# For empty python shtuff, if you don't have the code for funcs (etc) and you don't want to have the indented block error, you can use this.
def helloooo():
# Works perfectly!
Example 6: pass in python
# pass in python is basically a placeholder thing to put in empty functions/classes
# example
def whatever():
class whatever():