play music discord.js code example
Example 1: discord.js music
//type npm install discord-misic-system --save
//type npm install discord.js --save
//type node .
//see your music bot is ready :] enjoy I LOVE MY INDIA
const MusicBot = require("discord-music-system"); // Require the module
const bot = new MusicBot({ // Create the bot
token: ("type you bot token here"), // You can find the token at
ytApiKey: ("Your Youtube api here"), // Video to explain how to get it:
prefix: 'in$', // Example: /
game: 'sanikava `in$`' // Example: /help
});; // Run the bot
Example 2: how make a music bot
go here
Example 3: Discord.js Get A Bot To Join A Music Chanel
client.on("ready", () => {
const channel = client.channels.get("mychannelid");
if (!channel) return console.error("The channel does not exist!");
channel.join().then(connection => {
// Yay, it worked!
console.log("Successfully connected.");
}).catch(e => {
// Oh no, it errored! Let's log it to console :)